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Healthy & Fun Holiday Treats in Under 10 Minutes

Who says that holiday treats need to be unhealthy and bad for you? Not us here at HEALTH tabulous! Luckily, there are plenty of creative ways to sneak in some extra fruits and veggies, and to do so in a very festive way. Be the star of your next holiday get together and bring one of these easy treats. We have complied a list of our favorite ways to make healthy food fun below. If you have any questions or other ideas - please share away!

Made this for the first of many holiday parties... Perfect for a holiday brunch. An appetizer doesn't have to be unhealthy to be festive!


Such a cute and healthy holiday treat!! You can eat all the way down to the core. Find a good and hearty carrot and peel before you place into your apple base. Then begin to adorn the tree with your sliced fruits. This one is another adult favorite too.

Some of our readers have also found it easier to use a styrofoam core to keep the tree in place. Just don't eat the inside of that one... ;)

Do you want to build a snowman? We want to eat this one! Adding a dip or hummus in the center is a great way to present your yummy snowman!

Found this one at Green Giant. What goes better with a gingerbread house, than a festive veggie lodge!! LOVE this one! Wouldn't you like to nibble on this little house? Create your own veggie house at home and share a photo. Here is what we used to make our veggie lodge: Six 8"- carrot logs (One for front, five for back) Eight 5"- carrot logs (sides of lodge) Eight 3"- carrot logs (front) Eight 1 1/4" - short spacer logs (by front door) Four 1 1/2" - carrot logs (to create side window opening) Three 7" -carrot log rafters Sixteen 6" - 7" long stalks of celery (for roof) The foam core board gable ends measure 8"x 6" x 6" The foam core board floor/base measures 8" x 5" (plus extra on the back for chimney if desired) The window is made out of a slice of turnip. Use toothpicks if necessary, in addition to cream cheese mortar to fasten cucumbers and celery.

Use bamboo skewers for stacking chimney mushroom "stones." Thanks Green Giant - we can't wait to try this one!

We love to make homemade pizzas as a family on Friday evenings. Here is a fun way to get festive and adorn our 'tree' with some healthy decorations. YUM!

This one was a huge hit at the classroom party last year. Our Grinch Hats are made with only 4 ingredients and a toothpick up keep them together. So easy and cute too!

Another simple way to sneak in some fruits while having some fun with food. Easy for kids to construct with grape and apple hats, banana snowmen bodies and 2 pretzels for arms. For the eyes, nose and buttons, you can use raisins and carrot wedge for the nose, or even mini chocolate chips. Slide these ingredients onto a wooden skewer or I like to use a lollipop stick.


(A) This tree also is one of the first to go at holiday parties - broccoli makes delicious branches and a peeled cucumber for a tree trunk. Adorn with cherry tomatoes and I like to sometimes add a few curlings of carrots as garland. A snowy backdrop with cauliflower and a star fruit (aka carambola) star to top the tree.

(B) The kiddos can make this one in a few minutes with pre-chopped and sliced veggies. Whoever said you shouldn't play with your food?!



(A) I put this one together in a matter of a minute. So easy and fun! Place snap peas in a tree formation on a plate and add pretzel sticks to make the trunk. A nice slice of cheddar cheese made our star. You can layer this a bit more for added quantity of food, but I had made this one for just my two girls. They loved it!

(B) So great for kids to build and shape with veggies!

Lastly, our rainbow fruit Christmas tree has been the continuous winner of parents and kids alike, over the last few holiday seasons. So many vitamins with the variety of fruits found on this tree. Maybe it's the bright colors or maybe because it's easy to share, but this tree is always the first to go, even before all of the other highly processed and sugared treats. Yay for kids making healthy choices!!


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